Mark Your Calendars for March and beyond

Tuesday March 4th – Shrove Tuesday Pancakes 5:00-7:00
Wednesday March 5th –  12:00 Ash Wednesday Service Holy Trinity
Wednesday March 5th – 7:00 Ash Wednesday Service  Bethlehem
Friday through Sunday March 7-9 : Confirmation retreat Camp Calumet

Looking ahead:

Sunday April 13th 10:00 Palm Sunday Joint Service  at Holy Trinity
Thursday, April 17th 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Joint Service at Holy Trinity
Friday, April 18th 7:00 pm Good Friday Joint Service Bethlehem
Saturday, April 9th 7:00 pm Easter Vigil Service Bethlehem
Sunday April 20th 9:00  Easter Sunday Service Bethlehem
Sunday April 20th 11:00  Easter Sunday Service Holy Trinity
Sunday May 18th – Bishop’s Visitation, with Confirmation and Reception Holy Trinity