Daughters of the King

Mary and Martha Chapter

The Order of the Daughters of the King® (DOK) is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service and Evangelism. We have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as Lord of our lives. We are an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Today our membership includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches

Daughters of the King News


Back in September the Daughters of the King had an election, and I am now Secretary. As part of that work it occurred to me that it might be helpful to let everyone know that if you have prayer requests you can submit them to me via email. To keep those requests for prayers more manageable I decided to create a separate Gmail account for them.

To that end, if you would like to request that we include something in our daily prayer list, you can now send them to us at htecdokprayerrequests@gmail.com

This address translates to <Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Daughters of the King Prayer Requests>

If you would like to request prayers for blessings, illness, operations, healing, world, national or local concerns please don’t hesitate to send an email and I will add them to the list, which I try to keep updated regularly.

In addition, if there is no longer a need for a prayer request you submit, you can let me know to remove it from the list, or you can share updates if a situation changes.

Rose Reith
DOK Secretary


For His Sake….I am but one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?


The Prayer of the Order

O Eternal Father, you have sent u s your Son to teach us things pertaining to your heavenly Kingdom. Give your blessing to our Order wherever it may be throughout the world. Grant that we, your Daughters, ever may discern your truth and bear the cross through the battles of our earthly life. Give us strength to overcome temptation and the grace to work to spread your Kingdom and to gather your scattered sheep within your fold. Pour out upon us the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit that we may always remember it is your work we are called to do, that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in your sight. We ask it all For His Sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.